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Gerry Vurciaga, Advisor to the CEO 

Gerry Vurciaga is Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer of General MicroGrids, Inc. 

Gerry is an industry veteran, embarking on creating “Energy Opus.” The time is ripe to leverage my knowledge, capabilities and industry relationships to make contributions as a citizen of this planet. Gerry is passionate that one person can make a difference and with friends, colleagues and collaborators. “Energy Opus” will provide sustainable solutions for Utilities, Island Communities, School Districts, Universities, Military Bases and First Nation Communities.

His strong executive, sales, marketing and consulting experience bring a tight bond between our customers and work product. He has worked for a utility, as an industry consultant, and technology companies and posesses strong writing and presentation skills. 

Some of his strong points include background in utility operation, demand management, microgrid design and contract negotiations, and is a frequent speaker at industry events. 

His specialties include: broad experience in all aspects of the utility industry business, including finance and accounting, supply chain, customer service, human resources, work and asset management, consumer engagement, AMI, meter data management, and operations; including strong IT and consulting background. 

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