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Moving clearly outside of the traditional realm of microgrid business models, General Microgrids is trying to advise customers on the concept of being able to aggregate Distributed Energy Generation, Renewable DEG, and Demand Response all over the country and work with solution providers to sell these aggregated resources into distribution utility markets. General Microgrids is now focusing on remote microgrids for developing economies.

The company is also leading an effort to develop a series of standards and certifications for different kinds of microgrids. In an effort to make microgrids appealing to utilities, General Microgrids also makes the argument that standard platforms can aggregate resources into large microgrids that can add renewable capacity to utility portfolios as they wait for troublesome transmission lines to be constructed. These renewable energy microgrids then help the utility comply with RPS requirements.



​General MicroGrids recognizes the need to better manage distributed energy resources for medium to large customers. We advise customers on best-in-breed solution providers that can combine large scale systems delivery experience applying utility smart grid, renewable generation, control systems and cyber security domain expertise that enable the safe and reliable deployment of distributed clean power generation assets.


General MicroGrids is redefining how microgrids and renewable generation are integrated and leveraged by customers . Historically, microgrids were viewed as “islands” servicing small customer campuses at the end of a feeder line. With our advice on the use of new control systems, that is no longer the case. These reliable and secure third-party control systems balance demand against supply and enable utilities the flexibility to safely and cost-effectively manage and control a network of new distributed generation assets along with their legacy centralized assets.​



  • New generation technologies must be planned, implemented, and managed to support the existing bulk power grid.
  • On the planning side, General MicroGrids advise’s customers on firms that can enable fast, comprehensive analyses of alternatives so the optimal power route can be chosen.
  • On the implementation side, we advise owners on solution providers in every phase of Design, Build, Own, Operate, and Maintain, including siting, permitting, financing, and financing for large, complex enterprise systems.
  • Taken together, that creates an ecosystem of systems: a highly connected network of distributed generation and storage resources that functions as an organic part of the community.
Energy access projects
General MicroGrids conducts rural electrification projects in developing countries. Phase I of the projects address the evaluation of existing infrastructure, long term energy requirements and energy production technologies and the socio-economic impact on each area to be assessed. Phase II of projects build the infrastructure as agreed upon by the central government.

Projects consider not only the geographic specific opportunities, but will also take into consideration broader national and international interests. As other international organizations provide insights into elimination of energy poverty, projects incorporate those ideas that are consistent with our work; including policy, technology, market and social implications.
Industrial projects
Safe, controllable and reliable microgrids integrating renewable generation are complimentary infrastructure with customer assets that increase grid reliability, stabilize long-term energy costs, and mitigate negative environmental impact.

General MicroGrids recognizes the need to better manage distributed energy resources for medium to large customers, which will reduce emissions, stabilize operating costs and secure a reliable energy supply. We combine large scale systems delivery experience applying utility smart grid, renewable generation, controls systems and cyber security domain expertise that enable the safe and reliable deployment of distributed generation assets.

General MicroGrids is redefining how microgrids and renewable generation are integrated and leveraged by utility customers and end users alike. Historically, microgrids were viewed as “islands” servicing small customer campuses at the end of a feeder line. With our new control systems, that is no longer the case. These reliable and secure control systems balance demand against supply and enable utilities the flexibility to safely and cost-effectively manage and control a network of new distributed generation assets along with their legacy centralized assets.



© General Microgrids 2023

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